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Neston Ramblers Circa 1982

Early Days

Neston Ramblers was formed many years ago. Exactly when is becoming more difficult to pinpoint with the passing years, as memories fade.

The fore runner to the Ramblers were probably Dyers Dynamos who occasionally played at Grange Road West Sports Centre around 1975. This was organised by Birkenhead School pupil Mark Dyer, and sometimes featured stalwart ramblers Dave Roper, Robbie Irving and Richie Askew.

Neston Ramblers was started by Dave Roper, and also included Robbie, at around the same time, and played regularly, but sporadically, at GRW between 1975 and 1977.

The regular weekly Sunday game started in 1977. And I think the initial time was 16:00 until 17:00. Players to feature at this time were:-

Dave Roper

Robbie Irving

Ian McCormick

Kev Harris

Mark Arden

Simon (Sammy) Westwood  

Steve Roper

Steve Rice

Steve Doyle

These numbers were built around ex-Birkenhead School boys, who either went to University locally, or who worked locally.

James Fergusson joined the Ramblers sometime between 1977 and 1979. And when Dave moved down to Cheltenham, he took over the organisational role on the Wirral. Dave formed Neston Nomads in Cheltenham, and challenge matches were a regular feature during the following years.

During the 80's the starting time changed a couple of times. Firstly to 18:00 until 19:00. Then finally to the long standing 20:00 until 21:00 slot.

